For starters, I had to rip it all out from another account and associate it with this current one so I had everything together. Fun times. Everything is still in English, but we'll get to that in a moment.
My youngest son has now been born, Mica ben Yehonatan Vasseira, and that is always a wonderful thing.
As I mentioned before, my wife went through a conversion only to discover that she was Jewish in the first place, by birth. It is funny what families will do under duress to protect themselves, and I can't really fault them at all for the way that they were forced to handle themselves. Geneaology was the way we were able to put it all together. In one case, we had a picture, originating city, and the fact that the surname had changed. The city was a traditional Jewish town in Germany. It would be the same as claiming you were the only goyim on the 700 block of Eastern Parkway in Crown Heights.
As for myself, the old job went away, and now I find myself in a job I not only desired, but dreamed of. I work with libraries and books now. I hear you giggling. I am back in my software company startup mode, throwing all I can into it, because the company is good and ethical, the job itself is intriguing and never lacks for interesting things to accomplish. There is also quite a bit that can be done to make the software useable in eretz Yisrael, so that's a plus as well.
We have also realized that now it is time to make Aliyah. But that is a whole different subject, one that is addressed in my own personal aliyah blog. It wasn't quite my original idea. My wife thought of it first, after the blogs we had seen from some of our friends. So she started her blog first.
So basically, I decided that this blog has to do with general life, discussions, and observations of things not directly aliyah related, and vice-versa.
As for a family, we have become more observant and continue to improve every day. She keeps me on my toes, and generally keeps me straight, and in my own opinion, the whole thing is working famously.
I had some stupid title before, but I have changed it. Partly because the whole A-B-C thing lists me at the top of blog lists, but more that I needed a handy acronym for A-B-C, and Areivut ( the mutual responsibility that exists among the Jewish people ), Bitachon (the faith that everything that G-d does--everything that occurs--will be for the good), and Chassidus - (The movement within Judaism founded by Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov (1698-1760), stressing service of G-d through the mystical in addition to the legalistic dimension of Judaism, the power of joy, love of G-d and one's fellow, emotional involvement in prayer, finding G-dliness in every aspect of one's existence, and the elevation of the material universe) seemed to really sum my own philosophy up.
I basically got fired from my last job for reasons that included my being Jewish. I won't go into all of the sticky details, but it was enough that the people in political control basically didn't like Jews, and I was hiding it. I got discovered, out the door I went. They claimed "job performance" until I provided the Department of Labor my last good performance review. Their copy had been "updated", while I had an original.
Glad it happened. I couldn't be happier here. I ran the numbers, and I got a raise that has me making more now than the former boss that fired me. I also have a real job now.
Baruch Hashem!
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